When I figured out this trick it completely changed my perspective on how to create Instagram polls.
How often do you see an Instagram Poll that looks a little like this:
Hey guys! I’m working on a new fitness program, who wants to get their hands on it? Me/Nah
There’s nothing wrong with this approach if you just want engagement, but if you want to convert your followers into clients, listen up.
When you post a poll with a yes or no answer, you are automatically losing a large amount of your audience. If you think about it, anyone who voted no could have just continued on with their day, but now you have given them the opportunity to say no, and it shows the rest of your followers how many people are not interested in your product.
And we all know social proof is key. So this is what I want you to do: never give no as an option.
Ok, but what’s the other option then? Maybe.
Instead of giving the opportunity to vote no, change your second answer to be something that you can use to your advantage. In the example before, instead of using no, try using something like “I have some questions” or “what are the details”.
This way you can go through your responses and send each person a message along the lines of
“Hey! I saw you had some questions about my new program, what information are you looking for?”
You create conversation, and a list of those who are already interesting in your program. You just need to sell them now.
Give this a try, and get conversations going with your followers.